Completed Flames of War 15mm Orchard terrain with a platoon of US M3A1 Stuarts moving through it.

Orchard Terrain feature (mini-tutorial) and updated M3 Stuarts

After Christmas I had to make a trip to Michael's, the craft store. They had much of their Christmas inventory on sale. I found these cheap little trees for 70%, or about $1.20 a set, so I bought 5 sets to make an orchard terrain feature. The tree boles were pretty cheap plastic so I …

Continue reading Orchard Terrain feature (mini-tutorial) and updated M3 Stuarts

Mounted and Unmounted view of bed liners for you FOW Trucks

Creating Bed Liners for Your Vehicles is a Great way to add Flexibility to Your Motorpool

I am a big fan of being able to make my miniatures as flexible as possible so that I can use them in multiple lists or different purposes. So whenever I get a miniature that contains a truck I always try to mount whatever the vehicle is carrying separate from the vehicle itself. That way …

Continue reading Creating Bed Liners for Your Vehicles is a Great way to add Flexibility to Your Motorpool