Daimler Armoured Cars ready to Scout Ahead of the British Armoured Advance.

After my recent love fest I have been having with Plastic Soldier Company (PSC) the past few weeks with my Cromwells, Churchills, and Half-Tracks, I was a little disappointed to find out that PSC didn't have any options for British armored cars. I went back to Battlefront a picked up a pair of Daimler Armoured …

Continue reading Daimler Armoured Cars ready to Scout Ahead of the British Armoured Advance.

British M5 Half-Tracks 02

M5 Half-Tracks for a British Motor Platoon

Last week I added armored support for my British infantry with a Tank Platoon of Churchills. This week I'm beefing up my infantry support foe my British armor with a box of Plastic Soldier Company (PSC) M5 Half-Tracks. With these I can field one of my British infantry platoons as a Motor Platoon. Unlike the …

Continue reading M5 Half-Tracks for a British Motor Platoon

Churchill Tank Platoon 01

Armoured Support for the British Infantry has Arrived!

Continuing my quest to flesh out my British Army and my new found love for Plastic Soldier Company (PSC), I have added a platoon on Churchill Infantry Tanks. I bought a box of PSC Churchills, which gives you the option to create Churchill mk III, mk IV, or mk IV (na75)s. I built the five …

Continue reading Armoured Support for the British Infantry has Arrived!